When Brian Miser shouts Fire! at the launch of his human cannonball routine, he means it.
The 47-year-old star of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey's new show, Fully Charged, has added a new twist to the circus classic: a blazing inferno.
Called the Human Fuse, Miser launches himself from a giant homemade crossbow more than 100 feet through the air at 65 mph -- completely engulfed in flames.
The idea for the stunt was hatched after Ringling invited Miser, who's spent 14 years as a human cannonball and 16 prior to that as a trapeze artist, to develop some ideas for a new crossbow act.
I said, 'What if I get shot on fire?' Miser told AOL News. They were sold on that.
He'd already brought fire to his human cannonball performance, but with the crossbow, the effect is enhanced because everything is exposed for the audience to see.
He doesn't go inside a barrel and disappear and then suddenly you see him reappear in midair. You're actually seeing it somewhat demystified, said Nicole Feld, executive vice president of Feld Entertainment and producer for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey. He ignites himself on fire and literally rockets himself across the arena. It's the ultimate in thrills.
Full story with video: http://www.aolnews.com/2011/03/14/ringling-bros-hottest-act-brian-miser-lights-himself-on-fire/