There has been a lot of discussion in the movie-world regarding the eventually re-imaging of the RoboCop character, having not been seen since the third movie in 1993. The movie has been making sporadic progression for times, but actually seems as if it's becoming something tangible. RoboCop is to be directed by José Padilha, and is going to reboot the franchise. The film will star Nebulousl Kinnaman in the title role, with Gary Oldman as Dr. Robert Norton, Michael Keaton as Raymond Sellars, Samuel L. Jackson as Pat Novak, and Jackie Earle Haley as Maddox. A very loaded cast to say the least, and with a budget of one-hundred million, you can expect a lot of explosive chaos, but not to the point of a full-blown Michael Bay movie. The plan is for it to be released in February of next year.
Thoughts? Will you be giving it a watch? What were your thoughts on the originals?