Oh please that was not a conscious choice but your hormones telling you what your body already knew or was.
You say hormones I say hormones made it a conscious choice just like Rubio thinks. But somehow just because we see how it came to be in a different way it must hate. LOL!
If you have ever known someone that was gay you would know the darkness that they fight with all the time that can at times lead to them taking their own life. So you telling me this person sits there one day saying
I know and have known several people who are Gay. One was my boss and friend for many years. He just was not gay but he personally admitted he was your stereotypical gay man so many think of. There was no darkness in the man he was openly and happily gay.
- Be straight have a family live normally be accepted by society.
- Be gay unable to live what society deems a normal life, unable to have children get married and even in some countries be a criminal because of it. Live with a continual state of fighting demons inside myself and possibly taking my own life.
Thats right keep making out the American gay community to all be helpless saps who can't be happy. I think I will choose C.
Ah yes option B seems that better choice for me I think I will pick that one.
1. A false choice I think not.
Unfortunately your argument just lacks any logic. This logic is similar to saying your had a choice in being born male or female
Now that comparison make no sense.