The creator of a satirical run-n-gun video game starring Kim Jong Un has, unlike Sony Pictures, no plans to cancel his project. That could be because the North Korean dictator rides a unicorn and single-handedly fends off an invasion of his country.
Jeff Miller told the Associated Press that he's more motivated than ever to finish Glorious Leader! "We want the game to be as topical as possible," Miller said.
That said, he's contemplating asking for money to beef up his studio's cyber security, in light of a humiliating breach carried out against Sony Pictures, the makers of The Interview, in which Kim Jong Un is a comical tyrant whose head explodes in the climactic scene.
Hackers behind a massive dump of Sony Pictures' private emails demanded the film be scuttled, promising violence at theaters where it was screened. Though the U.S. government did not find the terrorist threat to be credible, it did accuse North Korea itself of being behind the hack. Sony this week still canceled the film outright, with no plans to release it on DVD or over streaming services.
"We didn't know things were going to get this weird," Miller said.
Miller and his studio, Atlanta-based Moneyhorse Games, whipped up a Kickstarter fund drive this week to try to capitalize on all the attention given to North Korea and the cyberattack. Glorious Leader! has raised $6,027 so far, with 25 days left to meet a $55,000 goal. Apparently a level referencing Sony Pictures, The Interview, and its director and co-star Seth Rogen, has been added (pictured at top). The game's Kickstarter page has loads more details and screenshots, including this one of President Obama, apparently piloting a TIE Fighter.
Glorious Leader! is planned to launch on PC, and then later on mobile devices. For those wondering, yes, Miller asked Microsoft and Sony about distributing the games on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network — though he did so before the cyberattack and its fallout.
Still, Microsoft rejected the game outright, Miller said. Sony was responsive back in October. "I think I'll wait a little while before I reach out to them again," he told the AP.