Senate Republicans Tuesday proposed cuts to community health centers, national service, and grants to help children from low- and moderate-income families attend preschool as they unveiled the largest domestic appropriations bill, a $153 billion measure that's sure to attract a veto threat from President Barack Obama.
The author of the bill, Roy Blunt of Missouri, instead boosted the budget for the National Institutes of Health by $2 billion while awarding small increases to large programs giving grants to states for low-income school districts and special-needs children. Democrats said the measure, which cuts almost $15 billion from Obama's budget request for programs covered by it, is woefully inadequate and has no chance of advancing far until a budget deal provides more money.
The sweeping labor, health and education bill is among 12 annual spending measures funding agency operating budgets for the upcoming budget year. The measure is $3.6 billion below current levels, which forced Blunt to make large cuts. He would cut the agency responsible for running the Affordable Care Act, Medicare and Medicaid by 28 percent, impose a $400 million cut to community health centers, and cut the Centers for Disease Control by $251 million, or 4 percent.
"This bill would make deep cuts to middle-class priorities like health care, education, job training, worker protection programs, women's health, and more," said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.
Earlier Tuesday, another appropriations panel moved to slash almost $1 billion from a program that helps state and local governments provide affordable housing even as it spared Amtrak from cuts recommended by House Republicans.
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