Excellent! Love to see the left attacking each other for there own insane political correctness and seeing racism around every corner.
One way or another, liberals will ultimately fall prey to their own liberty-stifling agenda and racially divisive rhetoric.
Democrat Mississippi state Rep. Brad Oberhousen is coming under fire for doling out free watermelons to his constituents on the Fourth of July.
The problem seems to be that Oberhousen is white, and many watermelon recipients were black.
Oberhousen’s challenger in the Democrat primary, Jarvis Dortch, who happens to be black, said he sees a big problem with the racial stereotyping of giving watermelons to potential voters, the Clarion-Ledger reported.
“Over the last week there has been an uproar on social media, and I have spoken with voters who felt insulted by my opponent’s, Brad Oberhousen, campaign tactics,” Dortch stated in a press release.
“Voters reported that Oberhousen, accompanied with a paid political hand, drove from house to house in rural Hinds County passing out watermelons to black voters.”
Read more: http://www.bizpacreview.com/2015/07...ing-out-free-watermelons-228169#ixzz3gtvXsdb5