The insanity never ends from the left. And it is why home schooling is increasing at record numbers and why charter and private schools are so much in demand.
So according to a report published late last week, some "shocked" American parents are "furious" about their government run school's plan to teach kids about stuff like "gender fluidity" and "the gender spectrum."
To which one might be rightly compelled by concern and true love for these folks and their children to respond: What did you expect?!
I mean, c'mon now. Seriously. Who didn't see this coming?
How is it even remotely possible to be even remotely "shocked" and "horrified" by such an approach as this being taken by a State-run children's "education" system in 2015 'Merica?
This is exactly the sort of thing that this system was designed to do and exactly the sort of worldview that this system was designed to teach. This system was made to take our culture to a very specific, State-dominating destination, and the means by which it is going to get is there is through the progressive multigenerational programming of children's minds. (See: Retarded by Design: The Mind Blowing Success of State-Controlled "Education".)
The report, published by Fox News, included the following tidbits of info:
One of the nation's largest public school systems is preparing to include gender identity to its classroom curriculum, including lessons on sexual fluidity and spectrum – the idea that there's no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls.
Fairfax County Public Schools released a report recommending changes to their family life curriculum for grades 7 through 12. The changes, which critics call radical gender ideology, will be formally introduced next week.
"The larger picture is this is really an attack on nature itself – the created order," said Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council.
"Human beings are created male and female. But the current transgender ideology goes way beyond that. They're telling us you can be both genders, you can be no gender, you can be a gender that you make up for yourself. And we're supposed to affirm all of it."