At the risk of pissing the local boozers off (hey, Doc L

), I'll say that my strongest opinion is that alcohol should be strictly prohibited on the entire planet. Any attempt of manufacturing, distributing and / or consuming it should be a punishable offense. Alcohol used for medical purposes is fine, but should be strictly controlled.
I have no problem whatsoever with people drinking their own lives away. Their money - their health - their choice. Not my problem. I do, however, have a huge problem with people turning into abusive monsters when drunk. As I mentioned in another thread here, I am yet to meet so much as a single person who drinks responsibly and / or doesn't turn into a monster when drunk.
When a child uses a toy to hit another child with it, parents respond by taking the toy away from the child to prevent further attacks, and to teach a child a lesson. Why not applying the same logic to alcohol? Wait, I know. Because alcohol is one of the most selling merchandise in the world, so it would be bad for business to prohibit it. Not to mention the failure of an already attempted prohibition is US.
Disclaimer: My post is not aimed at anyone here in particular (hey, Doc L

), so if anyone took it personally, it wasn't my intention.