Outcry is growing over the fatal shooting of a naked University of Alabama student by a campus police officer early on Saturday morning.
Gil Collar, 18, reportedly knocked on the window of the campus police station and charged at an officer who came out to investigate. The officer shot him dead.
It has also emerged that the shooting was caught on video.
On the Facebook page for the Vanguard, the school's student newspaper, Collar's friends and classmates expressed shock and confusion that the officer felt the need to use deadly force on a young man they described as 'sweet' and 'easy going.'
'Gil went to my high school' wrote Melissa Mims, who said she was a good friend of Collar's sister Elisabeth and the rest of his family. 'Gil was the kind of guy who could put a smile on anyone's face, he never had any enemies and a lot of students and younger kids looked up to him. He really was a great guy and had very many friends.'
Parker Mozingo only met Collar once but he made a lasting impression.
'He was a sweet guy who did not deserve this. He made one stupid decision last night but the officer that shot him, in my opinion, made a way worse mistake,' she wrote.
'Gil was unarmed, the officer had no right or reason to pull a gun on him. The officer should have thought about what he was doing, I hope that the people see the officer was wrong for what he did.'
Friend Lucas Self described Collar as an easy going person, small enough deadly force should not have been required.
School officials say the student ignored repeated commands to stop. The school says Collar was nude and acting erratically when he confronted the officer.
The officer is on paid leave, and an autopsy will determine if drugs or alcohol were involved.
Authorities said that the officer attempted to retreat several times in an attempt to defuse the situation but that the officer was left with no choice but to shoot when Collar made one final charge.
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Do you think the officer was justified in shooting? Why or why not?
Gil Collar, 18, reportedly knocked on the window of the campus police station and charged at an officer who came out to investigate. The officer shot him dead.
It has also emerged that the shooting was caught on video.
On the Facebook page for the Vanguard, the school's student newspaper, Collar's friends and classmates expressed shock and confusion that the officer felt the need to use deadly force on a young man they described as 'sweet' and 'easy going.'
'Gil went to my high school' wrote Melissa Mims, who said she was a good friend of Collar's sister Elisabeth and the rest of his family. 'Gil was the kind of guy who could put a smile on anyone's face, he never had any enemies and a lot of students and younger kids looked up to him. He really was a great guy and had very many friends.'
Parker Mozingo only met Collar once but he made a lasting impression.
'He was a sweet guy who did not deserve this. He made one stupid decision last night but the officer that shot him, in my opinion, made a way worse mistake,' she wrote.
'Gil was unarmed, the officer had no right or reason to pull a gun on him. The officer should have thought about what he was doing, I hope that the people see the officer was wrong for what he did.'
Friend Lucas Self described Collar as an easy going person, small enough deadly force should not have been required.
School officials say the student ignored repeated commands to stop. The school says Collar was nude and acting erratically when he confronted the officer.
The officer is on paid leave, and an autopsy will determine if drugs or alcohol were involved.
Authorities said that the officer attempted to retreat several times in an attempt to defuse the situation but that the officer was left with no choice but to shoot when Collar made one final charge.
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Do you think the officer was justified in shooting? Why or why not?