First they force women to wear hijabs, then they ban women from certain professions, then they ban women’s education, then they ban women from going abroad without companionship from men. And now? They’ve banned women from a national park for not observing hijab rules despite evidence that many visitors are merely tourists.
Afghanistan's vice and virtue minister says female visitors to Band-e-Amir were not wearing hijabs properly.
The BBC speaks to students who were blocked at the airport as they tried to leave for Dubai.
Women wishing to go abroad on student visas have been prevented from doing so by the Taliban. Wow.
This is fucked up, but the same shit is starting to happen here.. and it has been moving at a faster pace since 9/11. It seems like that event was the needed excuse to run screaming toward fascism.
The only difference here is that it is happening under both their religion, (thanks to religious freedom in this country) and Christianity as well. FGM occurs in this country too and it is usually from those who migrated here.. and it is done under their religious beliefs or they send their kid to their home country to have it done.
But really Christianity does the same thing, they have been the group behind the push to ban history and equal rights for women and after abortion, they are going after birth control, public education, voting rights and basically everything else that came after the 13th Amendment was passed. It is like they want the women and girls in their life to be a dumb as possible, while also trying to keep them barefoot and pregnant as much as possible before they die.
The religion just largely gets a pass because they are majority White.. much like everything else.. and it is why the KKK still exists after the rapes and murders committed by them since their origin. It is because they claim to be a Christian group and ironically enough the Taliban wouldn't have gotten as far as they have if it werent for Trump.. so this didn't occur in a vacuum. Trump just wanted to leave as big of a mess for the next guy to fix, just like every one of his partys' political predecessors had done.
So aside from the amount of melanin in the the skin of the Taliban members, the two groups are synonymous with each other. Both are fringe sects of religions that are commonly used as a tool for bigotry and oppression to further their goals of absolute power over the masses.
Conservatives have spent so many years talking shit about Islam and the fringe groups from within that claim to be the true followers, and yet they don't say shit about the fringe groups of their own religion doing the same thing.. it is almost as if they are jealous of these extremists.. and now it seems like they want to out do them for the title of who could be worse to their women.
We have laws referring to women as "host bodies" as it pertains to anti-abortion laws. And these laws do not include allowances for rape and incest, which seems to be a common Christian conservative occurance, if recent headlines and hashtags under #NotADragQueen or #NotTransgender on social media are to be believed. Between these things, a person could almost come away with the impression that if it weren't for rape, incest and their gun obsession that a lot of these politicians and their supporters wouldn't have any children of their own. These same politicians and their supporters are now looking at laws to restrict interstate travel for women and are working with both the police and medical offices to get their medical records and travel records to track their movements and the women are often subject to domestic violence as well. So it is literally the same shit.
The Christian conservatives like to pat themselves on the back and say that at least they aren't as bad as [insert (usually marginalized) group here] when often times they are the worst, and both history and present day has shown this. Violence against women is at an all time high, and no one takes it seriously, because they think that we are still better than [insert third world country (with a Black/Brown majority) here] so it will be a matter of time before the first world countries out there end up reading a similar story from here and being as horrified as those who read about the fall of Roe were here.
American exceptionalism and White supremacy (where it stems from) is a hell of a drug.