Today (Saturday) will be the 36th consecutive day for temperatures to be in the triple digits for my area...42 is the record and with the forecasts I've seen, we'll definitely end up beating it. It's ridiculous...been 100+ at NIGHT. One of our reservoirs has red water because the water level is so low and a certain bacteria is building up to give it the tint. Last week, a tropical storm (Dan) didn't even make it to Texas because our air is so dry that it evaporated. Read something today that said it may go into next's crazy. XD I can go for a cold shower and turn the hot water off and have the cold all the way up and it'll be lukewarm. Wanting relief from the heat, I went swimming the other day with some friends and the water had to have been at least 90 degrees...felt like a hot tub.
I could go on and me. :# I've seen this -> <- quite a few times in the past week or so.