Here are some photos that were taken of our Liverbird we bought from the merchandise shop when we went on the Anfield tour.
We now have a bear and a dog too.
This will be updated when we get more pictures of our three mascots, Scat the Dog, Stevie the Bear and Larry the Liverbird.
Larry on his outing to Blackpool:
Mum! My feet don't touch the pedals!!
Larry on an Eddie Stobart truck outside the amusements in Blackpool
Larry with my fiance's sisters spaniel, Henry.
We now have a bear and a dog too.
This will be updated when we get more pictures of our three mascots, Scat the Dog, Stevie the Bear and Larry the Liverbird.
Larry on his outing to Blackpool:
Mum! My feet don't touch the pedals!!
Larry on an Eddie Stobart truck outside the amusements in Blackpool
Larry with my fiance's sisters spaniel, Henry.