When I load my silverware in the little holders in the dishwasher, I put all my forks in one, all my knives in another, and all my spoons in a third. The utensils that go in
that drawer go in
that section, and the utensils that go in
another drawer go in
another section. I'm so lazy, I just want to grab a handful and toss 'em in the drawer they belong in.
When I fold my laundry, the outfits go on one hanger, together...I'm too lazy to get up early enough each morning to put things together; I like stepping out of the shower, toweling off and grabbing a pre-put-together outfit, without having to have a thought, yet.
Because I only cook for me, I make recipes in the typical 4-6 servings; once the food's cooled off, I throw the leftovers in individual zip lock bags. That way, on those weeknights when I'm too lazy to cook (typically
just Monday through Friday :tired

, I can grab a bag, unzip a corner and nuke it.