The deep ocean is home to some of the planet’s ugliest creatures.
The lack of light means the majority of the creatures are blind and so have had to develop creepy-looking tentacles and feel their way round and catch prey.
This lovely looking specimen is the recently discovered anglerfish.
It was found in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 5,000 feet below the surface by scientists researching the effects of oil spills.
Scientists still know relatively little about the deep sea bed.
Here are some more of the world’s most awful deep sea ‘monsters’:
The viperfish is a salt water fish that has long, needle-like teeth and a hinged lower jaw.
It lives in tropical water, can dive to depths of up to 5,000 feet and is known as one of the fiercest predators in the deep sea. It attacks its prey by luring them in with a light producing organ called a photophone.
These horrible looking things are called stargazer fish because they have eyes on the top of their head.
They are venomous and hunt their prey by lying in the sand and wiggling their worm-like tongues until they catch the attention of passing fish.
Sarcastic Fringehead
The sarcastic fringehead is a small, ferocious fish that lives at depths of about 73 metres in the Pacific Ocean.
They fight each other by pressing there distended mouths together as if they are kissing until they determine which fish is the biggest.
Venus Flytrap
A bit like the plant they feed on any unsuspecting creature that wanders across its tentacles.
Scientists still do not know very much about them but they have been found off the Ivory Coast.
Gosh, there’s so much more we can learn about our oceans. The more of these deep-sea research excursions they do there’s a good chance we’ll see something we’ve never seen before. I find this really amazing.