For me, I don't have the excuse that I'm Christian and that's why I don't do Halloween or go out. My view are those of an atheist and you'd think I'd have every reason to want to go trick or treating but I don't. I don't go out because some people are horrible and I learned at an early age that I definitely don't want to go to their homes.
I quit wanting to trick or treat when I was 11. I became more aware of people as I got older. As some young kids are oblivious to how shitty some people are.
I realized that some of the people who were handing out candy were very very rude. Either they'd comment how stupid some of the kids looked and some guy commented that we didn't need the costumes. We were all fugly enough without them. The guy at the door told some little girl that she needed to wear her mask for the rest of her life and if she took it off no one would want to look at her. One lady was bitching at the kids who had no manners and told me that I was welcome in a very rude tone of voice before I could say thank you to her for handing me candy. I decided then that was enough. Another lady forgot to turn off her light, told us she was out of candy and to fuck off.
Yeah, I really wanna go out on Halloween, walk up to some prick's door and get insulted or have my kids insulted. Maybe they were joking, I didn't think it was very funny. I was taught to have better etiquette then what I was getting out of these people. Or maybe on Halloween people are allowed to be assholes. Is that a thing?