Are you posing this question as a regular member, or community admin?
Because I think that can change the context of the answer.
If you're the community admin / community leader, a critical question to ask yourself: who will care if I don't answer and to what extent? I'm the admin, I've cleaned up the mess, which is the first priority. Does anyone care outside of a core group of diehard members who only care for the gossip? And even if they care, will they care enough to leave?
If you think public messaging is required, I'm going to say something counter intuitive. It's not about he said / she said. That only drags you to the same level as the problem maker. If you're going to message as the community leader, you should talk about how you investigated, the framework in which you made a decision, and certain conclusions were unfortunate but ultimately for the better of the community.
Members don't actually need to know both sides of the story. Members do need to know that you - as the community leader - carefully evaluated all sides, you're thoughtful, you're considerate, you're not rash, and that you care about the health of the community.