Holy effing crap man..
To read more, click here: http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120313/10132918091/uk-govt-agrees-to-extradite-richard-odwyer-to-us-linking-to-possibly-infringing-stuff.shtml
In January, a judge said that the UK could extradite student Richard O'Dwyer to the US to facecriminal copyright infringement charges for the crime of linking to streaming videos hosted elsewhere -- something that had already been found legal in the UK multiple times. This is pretty important, because for it to be criminal infringement, it has to be willful, and if sites that were nearly identical to O'Dwyer's TVShack.net were found legal in his home country, where he lived and where he operated the site, it's difficult to see how there's anything willful at all.
To read more, click here: http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120313/10132918091/uk-govt-agrees-to-extradite-richard-odwyer-to-us-linking-to-possibly-infringing-stuff.shtml