How did your computer annoy you today? Earlier in the week and much before that, I used to really enjoy watching videos and television shows online, it's a big reason as to why I love the internet the way that I do. But recently, that option suddenly has been taken from me because videos freeze every couple of seconds, so I decided that maybe it was my browser, which provoked for me to download Google Chrome as it said if I closed down Firefox, it'd be able to import the content from it onto Chrome, so I obliged. But it continued to say that my browser was open, and I knew it was not, I always knew that there was no hidden window or anything like that. Google Chrome hasn't made the videos even a moderately bit slower and even when I threaten to get the knife, my computer shows little fear in pissing me off. It seems that every once in awhile, we all have malfunctions or little things that annoy us regarding our computer, how did your computer annoy you today?