people that tell me, " I'm bored". then, you give them suggestions of things to do and they just say oh, it's boring.
lateness/ laziness. it annoyed me as a kid, it annoys me now
people that have big dreams, and expect other people to hand it all to them on a golden plate
a song plays on the radio, you really want to know what it is but the dj doesn't tell you
people that ask, " how are you?", then walk away before you answer
strong perfume. I mean sure, it's good to smell nice, but not when it gives someone else a headache it isn't.
people leaving the door open while they go to the toilet
animal abuse
commercials showing the most extreme animal abuse they can think of
babies that constantly cry (which is why I will never have kids)
back pain/ leg pain/ stomach pain/ any other type of pain you can imagine
sleepless nights
loads of others.. I'm going to come back to this thread