You Are Lavender Oil
You are extremely chill, and you tend to have no problem shutting out the world when life calls for it.
You create your own sanctuaries in life. You have as many troubles as anyone else, but you don't let them invade your safe space.
You are a natural daydreamer and dreamer. For you, nothing is more comforting than having some time with nothing to do.
No matter where you are or what's going on, you always can connect to your breath. You are grounded and centered in this crazy world.
What Essential Oil Are You?

You are extremely chill, and you tend to have no problem shutting out the world when life calls for it.
You create your own sanctuaries in life. You have as many troubles as anyone else, but you don't let them invade your safe space.
You are a natural daydreamer and dreamer. For you, nothing is more comforting than having some time with nothing to do.
No matter where you are or what's going on, you always can connect to your breath. You are grounded and centered in this crazy world.
What Essential Oil Are You?