I have you beat hah! I went on a date not too long ago with a 48 year old, nearly twenty years my senior. In my defense, she looked good for her age and exercised regularly by swimming.
What happened between you two?
I'll share. I was going through my divorce, it wasn't finalized yet. I was bored out of my mind and I felt that I needed sex and intimacy. I had a lot of time on my hands. I met her on Tinder. The 39 year old woman, her name was Rosie. She was hot and sexy and we spent a lot of our time having sex. I took her out on one date. Most of the time, we just hung out and talked. But under after a few weeks, she grew bored with me.
Come to find out, she wasn't over her ex boyfriend. She claimed she left him. But whenever I'd visit her, she still had his pictures up around her house which lead me to believe the opposite. I strongly felt that he left her and it sank in after awhile that I was her rebound. Was I upset about this? No. But I had really hoped things would have worked out. They didn't.
Her ex boyfriend's name was Jody and she talked about him all of the time. It's liked she worshiped him. It was Jody did this for me, Jody is such a sweet guy, Jody is a hero, Jody walks on water,and Jody is a master mechanic. Which really translated to me is that Jody shits rainbows and unicorns, so on and so forth etcetera etcetera. Rosie really loved this guy. She even went so far to say that he was better looking than me which kind of hurt.
After a month she called me and told me that it bothered her that I was still married and that she wanted to break up.
Which is funny because a few days later I got the papers in the mail with the judge's signature stating that the marriage was dissolved and the divorce was finalized. Honestly and truthfully, I never got back in touch with Rosie after I got my papers in. What was the point? She wouldn't shut up about Jody and her kids, who were in barely in their 20's hated my guts and didn't want her seeing me. I just felt that it was best to move on. Take a loss you know?
I talked to a guy that I'm friends with, I told him everything about Rosie and what happened. He said that she was just looking for an excuse to break up and it wouldn't have mattered what I did. I even talked to my mother and she told me the same thing. So that's that. I got over her pretty quick. We really didn't see each other all that long.