I don't think its just any one thing. I think the overall is how 1 person can handle a particular situation of life. Yes those traits are signs to watch out for. But it can also mean another thing. This is why communication is key in a friendship, relationship etc. Now Self-entitlement is no excuse to any of what was mentioned nor is lying/ manipulation to get your way because you dont like being told no.
Which leads me to another topic A lot of kids now a days seem to have a lot of these traits and from what i have personally seen is a lot of parents tend to want to be their kids friends and not their parent. Because we aren't sticking to the values and morals as before, You are only going to act upon how you are taught and learn from there.
Respect is earned both ways just like relationships should be 100/100 not 50/50 all about perception. I usually give respect unless someone gives me a reason to believe otherwise.
Inability to forgive/forget - I believe in this I don't have an issue forgiving but if its serious enough to lose trust with someone for the behavior they have made which crosses into the respect level. I give people certain number of chances and once i had enough i had enough and change the situation even if it means losing a friend as a lot of people now a days dont know how to be a true friend to someone without any motive behind it, and to protect myself and not being the fool bringing that toxic back into my life i have to seperate myself from them . Despite how many times i have informed that person of such thing and fail to correct it or care about it enough to do something about it I dont need to be their friend < I been in that situation a couple times>
Situation 1
Here are a couple of things that are apart of 1 person i dealt with " When you say you will pay someone back when you have infomed them up front that need to be paid back, but the individual keeps making excuses even after they have agreed to pay x amount on x day or whatever even if its $5.00/ mo i would be content with that. This was over a purchase of an item they needed for their vehicle for an oil change as i only charged for the parts "Oil & Filter" for an oil change took the time out of my day to do such task as a friend.
Situation 2
Same person - was staying at my house due to a hip surgery, which i had no issue with and i felt she was taking advantage of the situation the biggest thing that made it a big deal was the fact she left my bedroom window open in 15 deg weather all day and night, my response to her was " I am not heating the outside too" not being considerate that I pay the bills and its my house. The excuse she gave me was "I forgot"??? How do you forget that its a 15+ degree difference in a room?? I don't understand that logic. After all of that she ended up paying me back my full 45 and what i didnt know til my roommate told me that she borrowed 100 from her which she didnt know she owed me and the individual told my roommate to not tell me.
EDIT: I failed to add, The said person got on the ground and hit her self in the head with her cane after the "Situation 2" happened, mind you she is in her 40s. >>>
Immaturity or just Self-Entitlement?? Or could be both who know. But this is the crap i get tired of seeing grown adults do because they are getting scolded or put in their place or whatever.. . So you act like a child??? WOW DUMB,,, No excuse for that k ind of behavior at all.
Needless to say this ended our friendship because other things also occured prior to all of this that lead to my suspicion that ended up being true
I live by "I do what i say im going to do" In the event that things do change due to out of my control I communicate to the person that the said agreement is made with and do my best to follow through regardless of what happens. I live by my word. Not alot of people do as a lot of peoples word doesnt mean shit anymore which is the reason the saying "Actions speak louder than words" comes into play a lot.