What forum was the first forum you ever joined? Is it still online or has it been lost to time? The first one I joined is no longer online, and it actually shut down this year. It was Glitch City Laboratories, a forum/wiki dedicated to documenting the many different glitches in the Pokemon games. Originally it was just a forum with it's own website, but in 2010 the site was moved over to Mediawiki. (The forums were still online though.) I had terrible forum etiquette when I first joined and I'm surprised the staff never banned me. I even made at least 4 different accounts on the forum since I would forget my password and I didn't have access to the email I used to sign up with my first account. (Plus I was a n00b and didn't realize that I could change my password on the other accounts that I actually had access to the email associated with the account. xD)