Such a peaceful region now isn't it!
While the world’s attention is focused on Hamas’ targeting of Jewish civilians in Israel, Jews are not the only religious minority in the Middle East under fire. The Obama administration’s decisions to pull troops out of Iraq, support Islamists in Syria, back the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, protect the Iranian regime, and back terrorist opposition in Libya have led to the destruction of Christian communities throughout the region.
Christians have come under the heaviest hand in the Middle East in generations thanks to the weakness of the United States. And it is worthwhile remembering that the presence of Christians in the Middle East preceded the creation of Islam by centuries.
Here’s the situation, country by country:
Iraq. The rise of the Islamic State in Syria and the Levant (ISIS) has led to the wholesale slaughter or exile of hundreds of thousands of Christians. As Dr. Sebastian Gorka explained on Breitbart News Sunday, “in the last 48 hours, ISIS, which is now called the Islamic State in Mosul, has painted the letter ‘N’ for Nazarene on the houses of all the surviving Christians in the city. ISIS has basically given an ultimatum to all the Christians left: You can either flee or convert to Islam, or we will kill you.” Since 2003, the Christian population of Iraq has dropped from 1.5 million to 400,000. Much of that drop has come in the wake of America’s pullout from Iraq. ISIS is now telling Christians in Mosul to convert, pay a tax, or die. Patriarch Louis Sako said, “For the first time in history, Mosul is now empty of Christians.”
Syria. Thousands upon thousands of Christians have been forced from Syria. According to the UK Independent in late 2012, “it is now the Christians, who have largely sought to remain neutral, who are on the receiving end of abuse and attacks. For many, the choice now is between leaving the country or risking an uncertain and hazardous future.” According to Mother Agnes-Mariam, opposition fighters drove some 80,000 Christians from Homs alone. Altogether some 1.3 million Syrian refugees have left the country since the beginning of the civil war.