Women In Sports And Gender Roles
Using this week’s materials and other resources you find online and media channels, write a two to three page paper on current issues, controversies and opportunities for women in sports. How has women in sports evolved? Provide a summary of what women in sports was like in the past and what it looks like today. What steps can we take as a society to capitalize on these opportunities?
Women today have a very important role in sports, women today have shown that they are capable of doing things that were believed that only man could do and even do better than men. Nowadays women have achieved many successes in the sports branch after being long excluded from these. Sports is one of the areas in which women are more vetoed, not because they cannot practice it normally, but because for a woman to be able to dedicate herself professionally to sports, she would need good financing , both from private and public organizations and, today, they are virtually non-existent, as well as family support. The situation of women in sport is currently changing progressively, although the same importance is still not given to a success achieved by a women’s team than by a men’s one. In addition, the world of sport uses the woman’s body as an excuse to increase the show. Women had to get multiple victories and medals to begin to be known both by the media and by society in general.
With the passage of time we have been able to appreciate that the discrimination of women in sport is being reduced, but still we continue to find cases and, what is worse, situations of gender violence and sexual abuse. By gender violence, we not only refer to physical abuse, but also to psychological abuse and many women and girls have to take their bodies in training to inhuman levels. From childhood, a woman who wants to dedicate herself to professional sport with the naked eye has the same possibilities as a man, but it is not so. A woman has to accept the criticisms of the society in which she lives for practicing a sport that is fundamentally practiced by men, this does not mean that it does not happen with men but that with women these cases are more numerous, they are more marked and they are given more importance. Although discrimination is reduced, we find cases of physical abuse and psychological abuse, which are usually given by a male figure, which can be your coach or even a partner.
Wage discrimination against women in sport is not a new issue, but there is a growing media noise about it. As we know, in sport the effort is not paid fairly. In this world, the physical wear and tear of each discipline does not correspond to its economic retribution and that is why in golf you can earn much more than in cycling. This idea raises questions about the struggle for disrespect or cultural relevance that we give to each sport, and also, logically, what we give to those who practice it according to their gender.
At least a couple of things seem obvious: as our soccer players or basketball players make clear, discrimination against women in sport goes beyond simple discrimination between different games. And if the American women’s soccer players have generated more income than the men’s teams, the least that can be done is to match their salaries to that of the men in this sport. They generate more than they do. They just ask to charge the same.
Traditionally, women have been excluded from sports because it did not fit their gender role, since it was considered that they did not meet the necessary conditions to practice a activity that men do. This is because since childhood they make us see that football is a boy’s thing and gymnastics a girl’s thing, when we can be effective both sexes in both sports. When it comes to sports, football is the king sport, but only male soccer players stand out and there are hardly any female teams or any details about the women’s league in any country.