The very worst cheat was having my best friend betray me for a girl that I was seeing and not talk to me for 4 years.
I saw this girl back in 2006 for a few months. My best friend really liked her and they became good friends. What I didn't know was that she was sleeping with him too. Now when this had started I have no idea. But what I couldn't decide was whether getting cheated on first or the break up itself. I think losing my best friend was the worst part of it.
I am over it, but its still the worst cheat I've ever experienced because I lost a really really good friend in the whole process of it.
I don't mind that me and that girl broke up, but it was also the fact that a 14 year friendship with a guy I knew from the 3rd grade was flushed down the toilet just like that. I don't think he and myself spoke to for 3 years after that because he decided that this woman that we both knew for only a few short months was more important.
We did talk to each other some time ago and she had left him 2 years after he and I ended our friendship, but things aren't the same. Even after that he never said much to me. We just can't connect anymore.
I guess things are different when you're kids. Its easy to forgive and let go.
Just I couldn't decide which was worse, the cheat or the fact he didn't bother calling me and coming forward 4 years after it was said and done. I'd say it was my best friend that was the worst part.
I think it pissed me off more that he waited 4 years to say or do anything. He even drove that relationship with that woman until she left him which...speaks volumes.
That is why I remember it. Even to this day it is a reminder that no matter how good you're with some one and how long you've been friends. All it takes is something that rip you between you. I was willing to put it past us, but my best friend treated me like dirt and that was what made the cheat 10 times worse.
I would have rather had Kayla cheat on me with someone I didn't know instead of my best friend is all. Than I could have easily just let it go and moved on much faster. I've dated and seen a lot of girls, but Kayla will always remind me that there are cut throat girls like that and it reminds me to be more aware of who I'm seeing and talking to.
I will tell you why things ended permanently with my best friend. I am with a woman now. He met her and liked her too. But it wasn't mutual. She thought he was a total slob. Whilst I was in the bathroom, he decided it would be fun to hit on her and start talking garbage about me.
She told me later after and I believed it. I believed it because it was the same thing that happened than. It was 2010 and I remember telling him to get bent and stay out of my life.