I had some guy internet stalk me for like a year or two because I committed the most heinous crime: I called him an idiot.
I know, I know. I should be ashamed of this, but to make matters worse, I called him an idiot more than once.
Anyway, serious talk. The guy was the admin of a game forum, and he basically did a bunch of dumb and immature stuff. He would post about his antics at “trolling” other communities and cry that they called him dumb. He was also stupid enough to post links to it, and would get mad when we say it was his fault for starting it. There’s various other things he’d do/say that were dumb, but I’d be here all day.
To get to the stalking incident… there was some incident where he ended up banning some guy we liked over some petty reason. I can’t remember the exact because this was 10 years ago, but iirc the guy said something he didn’t like and he got the banhammer for it. Me and some other users got annoyed at this because it was really immature and the guy didn’t break any rules. I ended up calling him an idiot for what he did and then I also got the banhammer. That instigated a full on exodus of the remaining 8 active users besides him.
Since he viewed me as a catalyst for killing his forum, he kept following me around on various forums promoted on FP to attempt at exacting revenge. He would just end up getting banned on most places he followed me to because he’d do it publicly, and bring it up out of nowhere. My forum ended up just laughing at him because he wanted to defend his non-existent internet reputation, especially because I called him an idiot.
His existence introduced me to some strange rabbit hole of associates he had. Him and his so called friends were all rejects off of some large forum, and most (or all) of them got banned from some said forum. Someone created another forum as some sort of refuge for the banned users.
Most of these guys got banned for being obnoxious people, and that led to a lot of infighting, and they ended up getting banned off of the refuge forum and splintered off yet again. That caused a cyclical destructive cycle where someone would create a forum, they join, start fighting, get banned, and then start another forum. Rinse and repeat.
To add to the lore, there’d be multiples of these forums existing simultaneously, and since they all had ongoing beef with each other, alongside the infighting, they’d go to each other’s forums and start shit, get banned, hop on other one, get banned again, etc etc. They ended up banning too many people, and start up yet another forum.
Since this guy’s only internet interactions were all involved in this rabbit hole of forums, he kept forgetting I had zero involvement in any of this, and would name drop various users at me, and I have no idea who any of them were. He’d also repeated complain about me calling him an idiot, and they’d confused because outside of that gaming forum and his stalking, most of his associates didn’t know who I was.