Cranos said:[quote name='Nebulous']There is more irreversable things that could happen. Look at IPBFree. Zathyus is not going to be around forever. The admin could go bankrupt, servers can crash, or a court could order that everything be removed and shut down. You never know. It even says in their TOS that they can shut down or delete your board without notice for any reason and they dont even have to tell you why.
Its too risky to run a forum on a host like that. I know I would not pour tons of effort and time into something that could disappear for any reason at any time. All the people who defend remotely hosted free hosts will change their tune once it all hits the fan for them.
Also, you dont need to pay for hosting or a domain... There is plenty of free web hosts out there and plenty of free domain services. Or you can use whatever url the free host gives you.
You can host your own self maintained phpbb or mybb or smf or whatever without paying a cent. Also there is thousands of modifications for those software's. So on top of having the ability to backup and protect your forum, you can add in tons of different modifications to make your board have more features and functions than a Zetaboard will ever have.
I've had a board before on a free web host, well I actually tried at least 10 free hosts. None of them were as fast as ZB now is and had a lot more downtime. If you want to build up a community you need at least quality hosting. Also, I never said it's ideal, if you have the money and you want to spend it on a forum, then paid software/hosting is of course better. But it's the most reliable free alternative.[/quote]
Just because you had a bad experience with free web hosts doesnt mean there isnt any good ones out there.

and zathyus isn't going anywhere any time soon.
You dont know that unless you can predict the future. IPBfree and several other free hosts are prime example of that. All you can do is hope and reassure yourself that everything will be alright and nothing bad will ever happen. There is no real debate in this. If you are on a free remotely hosted forum host you run the risk of losing everything and all your hard work without any notice. Personally I would not want to take that risk and anyone who really cares about their community would not have a forum in a situation like that. The whole I dont give a shit if my forum goes down, I'll just make new one on a different free host attitude is one point of view, but I just dont find it very logical especially when those forum owners spend hours, days, months, years on their forum tweaking things and building a community.