why does god have to be what humans think god is?
and science is mostly guessing, trail and error, and even when humans think they know all the answers, science fails them over and over...
science can't explain everything...
The church doesn't necessarily represent God, God exists without church and religion... Religion doesn't represent God either... Just like your actions don't necessarily represent your father or family... God gave you free will, God will judge you at the end... To those that don't believe in God due to so much evil and carnage on this Earth, It's because of Humans, not God... Your free will that God gave you lets you do what ever you want, if you choose to not believe then don't... It's more logical to believe in a Almighty (Creator) than to believe there's not... As a science buff, I'd thought you'd understand that... I enjoy when people try to disprove God when they can't, yet get mad at the people that believe because you say that God is imaginary... Imaginary? Please do tell on how you came up with that since you can't disprove God... But yet Science is proved wrong over and over and over again... I wonder why? Because Humans tries to understand what they can't understand, and try to make things as facts when It's merely a guess or false...