This is a very brief and basic introduction to web design, it will include a basic description of web design, types of web design and software to get you started.
If this is something you'd like to see in more depth and you'd like to see tutorials then let me know.
This will include design only as I am not a web developer, just a designer who knows very basic HTML/CSS, I am also fairly new to web design I've only been doing it around a year or so, I'm just passing on bits I've learned.
Web Design is the planning and designing stages of building a website or web application.
In basic terms it is your job to design the website or web application, baring in mind the wants and the needs of your client and what is possible within budget and time.

There's many different types of web design and many different styles, I'll list a few of the post popular ones below.
Single page
A single page design is pretty self explanatory, its a design where all the information is on one webpage.
Static Website
A static website is a very basic form of website that has very little or maybe even no user interaction. Static website are mainly used for displaying information and/or advertising a product or service.
Dynamic Website
Dynamic websites are more complex as they allow the user to interact with the webpage, dynamic websites are amazing for selling products and services and are great for those who'd like to add more to engage their visitors.
Responsive Design
A Responsive design will change the size of its layout depending on the browser/device you're using, responsive design are very versatile hence why they're one of the most popular designs used today.

Getting started in anything new can be hard, but these days we've got google and youtube which are our best resource as designers.
As a designer you're going to need software before you can get started, I'll list a few down below, you don't need all of them I've just listed a few of my favourites.
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Illustrator
The best way to learn is by experimenting and finding inspiration and finding your style.

Next time we will look deeper into web design as mentioned below.
UI/UX Design
How to manage clients
Web Design mock tasks
Working with a developer
Managing your time as a designer