I've only driven a petrol car, so I have no basis for comparison - but, I would be interested to try one.
One disadvantage I've heard with electric cars is their limited range - but, since the UK is far smaller than the US or Australia, I expect that would be less of an issue here. And I've also heard that their 'green' credentials have been called into question, due to the environmental costs of making the batteries. And it is true that they're less eco-friendly to make than petrol vehicles are; however, that's vastly outweighed by the emissions over the vehicle's lifecycle, as the following chart shows:
Of course, another thing to worry about is where the electricity is coming from: cars powered by renewable electricity are going to be more eco-friendly than cars that get their electricity from coal-fired power stations. But at least they have the
potential to be fuelled by 100% renewable energy, which petrol cars don't!
(Though, if I did get an electric car, it probably wouldn't be a Tesla... just because I find Elon Musk to be an obnoxious weirdo
