It's actually easier believe it or not.
there's a couple ways to go about this... Let's take a look at two of the most common ones
First there's this kind.
Believe it or not there's two kinds, the first one comes with a combination and has a code written on the back... for that there's an app called snap decoder. it's free and if you search that code it'll give you the combination because it's in a kind of central but unlisted public lock database.
The second let's you set your own combination however it comes down to how good it's manufactured since a lot of the cheaper ones become stiff or bind around their code numbers making it easy to decode them.
then there's the other kind.
For these what you want is a lock decoder pick... it's sorta knife shaped and looks like this.
So you insert it like this and this puts tension on the wheel and the lock so you can feel it when the codewheel engages correctly allowing you to figure it out by simply spinning it with the tension on.
Trust me, you'll feel it when it does... it's scary how insecure these two are.
Here's how it's done if you're curious:
it gets better though... some locks are so poorly designed you can use bit of metal or lock shims!
basically you stick these into the shackle where it goes into the lock body and it releases the latching pin. they look like this.
They're also really easy to use and any lock without good anti-shim protection is vulnerable to this bypassing attack...
Finally don't ever use a cheap key padlock either... the lock core is often unshielded... what that means is you can insert a small hook into the keyway... reach alway to the back, and simply operate the latch without picking it!
Now I'm sure it doesn't need to be said but... DO NOT DO THIS TO LOCKS YOU DO NOT OWN OR HAVE PERMISSION FOR!!!
seriously people get weird about lockpickers... maybe it's because security is a joke, maybe it's because you're lifting the curtain on something they've never thought about but always get permission or practice on locks you own... for your own protection.