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Federal authorities are seeking criminal charges for about a dozen illegal immigrants who led a wild and chaotic riot at the border in El Paso, Texas Thursday and were identified via law enforcement cameras, can reveal.
At least one migrant will face charges for assaulting a Texas National Guard member during the incident, where troops tried to stop a mob of migrants from reaching the border wall Thursday, federal sources speaking on condition of anonymity told
'Those people weren't trying to peacefully enter the country; they were storming the gates,' Texas Congressman Tony Gonzales, who represents east El Paso said in a phone interview Friday.
'What do you think they're going to do when they're released all over the country?'
The migrants had attempted to storm the border Wednesday night, throwing rocks at Texas National Guard members, but ended up dispersing, another source explained.
Images of the bedlam showed 600 migrants first climbing over a triple layer of razor wire and then pushing past and overpowering national guard members who tried to stop them.

Feds to prosecute ring leaders from migrant stampede in El Paso
Federal authorities are seeking criminal charges for about a dozen illegal immigrants who lead a wild and chaotic riot at the border in El Paso, Texas Thursday, can reveal.