Absolutely. Between the lack of morality, responsibility and self-respect, its a mess. And no one seems to actually care because they can use the excuse of being in an open relationship and to treat their man or woman like trash because everyone is always the prize.
People use "open relationships" as an excuse to cheat, plain and simple. Yes yes, I know, some people will reply and say if people are happy, it's fine. Here's the thing, there is only a very small percentage - I'd even say 1% - of open relationships that actually work. The fact is, most people are jealous and/or possessive. I'm not saying that in a negative way, because I can be the jealous type as well
Frankly, the jealousy gets even worse when three people are involved. Even if you started off okay with open relationships, eventually things go downhill.
Adding onto my message from a few days ago, another aspect to why dating is broken is because we keep flip flopping on gender roles in a relationship. In the olden days, women stayed at home and didn't work, while the man made the money. When a couple went out to eat, the man always paid. Men were expected to make the first move. Men were expected to keep their emotions to themselves and be stoic.
In modern times, we're trying to be "politically correct" and break the traditional norms. Empower women, women are independent and all these things. Yet, even in younger couples, people still hold onto outdated traditions. Thus, you have outdated traditions mixing in with new-age political correctness, and it doesn't work. Either we move on and adapt, or we re-embrace olden day gender roles. You can't have both.