Dating is broken beyond repair in modern times. This is due in large part to social medial, but also covid. and both reasons are intertwined. In terms of covid, I know people whose kids were covid babies. They grew up in isolation and homeschool. They are severely clingy towards their parents and lack any confidence, nor are they comfortable around strangers.
In terms of social media, social media has become a horrible addiction for today's youth - and hell, even some older folks. Jokes are made on tv shows about kids texting someone in the same room, but those are the reality in some cases. When kids today are struggling to even talk to their family, it's no wonder that, as they get older, dating is impossible. I think the only people now who can date normally are those of us in their 30s and up, because we didn't go through the same shit.
Going back to the social media aspect, tiktok specifically, has fostered a low attention span in youth. There are people, not just kids, but people in their 20s, who can't focus for too long. I remember when ADHD was something people had from birth, not something they developed from icktok. Now, mos people expect everything to be short. Videos, conversations, etc.