When I did try FB I just did not get it, here you connect with an old buddy that you have not seen in years and expect to be able to have some type of meaningful discussions but all you get is rubbish and a load of share this if you have ever ......
Source - http://azviralbuzz.com/7-reasons-you-should-quit-facebook-in-2015/

Nothing You Post Actually MattersVery few people care what you’re doing, whom you’re with, where you’re eating, or what you just bought, and the people who do were probably right next to you when you did it. We all saw that funny Ice Bucket Challenge video, and if we didn’t see it, it’s fine. We’re all fine. You’ll sleep well without knowing which childhood toys you owned are now worth a fortune, and you will absolutely “believe what happened next” on Upworthy, because someone took time to write about it. These articles only exist because you share them on Facebook, and you only share them because they exist. So, instead, just invite a friend over to talk about how much you both lovedSave By the Bell. The internet can only take so much nostalgia.
Source - http://azviralbuzz.com/7-reasons-you-should-quit-facebook-in-2015/