A fresh start for Black farmers in North Carolina
An effort to help small-scale Black farmers in the Triangle area sell their goods during the coronavirus pandemic continues to go strong with the "Tall Grass Food Box."

During the pandemic, the Biden administration attempted to right some of the government’s discriminatory wrongs with billions of dollars set-aside for disadvantaged farmers in the American Rescue Plan.
But before the big rescue, three friends in the Durham area had come up with their own plan to save the Black farmers they knew.
Back in 2020, Gabrielle E.W. Carter, Derrick Beasley and Gerald Harris started their own CSA or community supported agriculture venture called “Tall Grass Food Box.” “We have some Swiss chard, we have lots and lots of kale, which is also known as Dino kale, we have white potatoes, mint, blueberries, three ears of corn,” said Beasley. “We got a lot of new customers today, so we really want to give them a good looking box.”
The “Tall Grass Food Box” collects recently harvested food from a handful of Black farmers, paying a commercial rate. They box up the food and use social media and word of mouth to sell it. The operation is still going strong...