The international space station is getting an update, and its future iteration is not just a space station – it’s a space factory. Axiom Space is launching the first commercial space station in the next few years, which will open the door to a new era in the space economy.
To become the first commercial space station, Axiom has had to rethink everything about how we live in space. We got a tour of the space station development facility, which is … inside an abandoned retail store?
Axioms’s approach might seem scrappy, but these unassuming ingredients are coming together to make something incredible. With a series of four-week sprints, nimble mock-ups allow experienced astronauts to test out the designs they'll be relying on in space.
Follow us as we get a preview inside the future of space tech.
0:00 Welcome to Hard Reset: Axiom Space
0:28 Axiom Space is pioneering the first commercial space factory
1:06 What is the potential of manufacturing in space?
4:06 Why implement a fail-fast approach to space?
4:54 Are higher-volume space habitats possible?
8:32 How can we strike a balance of practicality vs. aesthetics in space design?
9:20 How many tools does it take to assemble and disassemble the ISS?
12:10 How can we make space suit improvements for mobility and fit issues?
17:08 How fast can this tech orbit the earth?
18:12 What is the future of space manufacturing?