After 8 heartbreaking years of searching, a simple Facebook photo helped Kelly Baumgartner get in contact with her birth mother in just 44 days
“It was a fluke,” 28-year-old Kelley Baumgartner tells Yahoo Parenting of getting into contact with the birth mother she had been searching for since she was a teenager. The pair made contact on March 16, just 44 days after Baumgartner posted a photo of herself detailing the search on Facebook. “A friend of mine told me about someone she knew who made a sign and posted it and I thought, ‘What the heck, I’m just going to do it.’”
Today she’s happy to report that, “I’m ecstatic! Finding her is something that I’ve always wanted in my life.”
Before that Facebook post though, the Jacksonville, Fla. stay-at-home, married mother-of-three had exhausted the search for her biological mother, unknown to her, other than the fact that the woman who gave her up in South Bend, Indiana in 1987 was a hairdresser in her 20s with seven siblings.
With the support of her adoptive parents Becky and Sam Huston, Baumgartner started looking for her birth mom as soon as she was legally able. “I always wanted to know about her,” says Baumgartner, who moved with her family including brother Kevin, also adopted, to Jacksonville when she was 3. “I felt it desperately when I turned 13 but I had to be 21 to legally search.” And even then she hit a dead end.
Indiana law, reports the Elkhart Truth, doesn’t entitle adoptees to access birth certificates or identifying information in closed adoptions, such as Baumgartner’s.
“I hired a company to help me back in 2006,” she says. “I paid $4,000 up front and two years later they sent me letter that they just couldn’t find anything. I was crushed. It took me months to move on. I thought if a company like this couldn’t find her, what could I do?”