MONTGOMERY, Ala. -Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley has signed a tough new law cracking down on illegal immigration.
The bill signed Thursday allows police to arrest anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant if they're stopped for any other reason. It also requires public schools to determine students' immigration status and makes it a crime to knowingly give an illegal immigrant a ride. Alabama employers are now required to determine if any new worker is in the country legally.
Bentley, a Republican, says he campaigned on passing the toughest anti-illegal immigration bill possible. He predicts the new law will pass court review.
Groups including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Montgomery-based Southern Poverty Law Center agree the new law is the nation's toughest. They say they plan to challenge it.
The bill signed Thursday allows police to arrest anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant if they're stopped for any other reason. It also requires public schools to determine students' immigration status and makes it a crime to knowingly give an illegal immigrant a ride. Alabama employers are now required to determine if any new worker is in the country legally.
Bentley, a Republican, says he campaigned on passing the toughest anti-illegal immigration bill possible. He predicts the new law will pass court review.
Groups including the American Civil Liberties Union and the Montgomery-based Southern Poverty Law Center agree the new law is the nation's toughest. They say they plan to challenge it.