If these progressive liberals feel so guilty about there race status wish they would keep the lies to themselves and just go forth and be guilty.
Another Think Progress Dummy
I know, I know. My hobby is ridiculous. Reading lefty sites and reporting on their idiocy is like reporting yesterday’s weather. I just can’t help it.
This particular moron is named BRYCE COVERT. (Bryce is ostensibly a woman.)
Bryce Covert is the Economic Policy Editor for ThinkProgress. She was previously editor of the Roosevelt Institute’s Next New Deal blog and a senior communications officer. She is also a contributor for The Nation and was previously a contributor for ForbesWoman. Her writing has appeared on The New York Times, The New York Daily News, The Nation, The Atlantic, The American Prospect, and others. She is also a board member of WAM!NYC, the New York Chapter of Women.
What has Bryce, the lefty with the lofty resume’, done?
She reported about a study that was conducted that was intended to prove how black people are discriminated against. The eggheaded researchers put ads on Craig’s List selling an iPOD. They had various pictures of the seller’s hands and tracked the success ratio of sales.
image: http://iotwreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/253x216xScreen-Shot-2014-05-30-at-10.25.02-AM-638x542.jpg.pagespeed.ic.mx9bTannga.jpg
Think Progress –
Black sellers got 13 percent fewer responses to their ads than white sellers overall. When they did get responses, they got 17 percent fewer offers. Then the offers were 2 to 4 percent lower, or $1.87 less on average than those made to white sellers. The researchers also found that buyers were less respectful and more distrustful with black sellers. About 7 percent fewer people signed their names when responding to a black person. They were 44 percent less likely to accept delivery by mail and 56 percent more likely to be concerned about paying long distance, such as through PayPal, both of which include a bit more risk than an in-person hand off.
Now, I’m no editor of the Roosevelt Institute’s Next New Deal blog, so don’t judge me if I get this next part wrong. I’m an idiot, she’s smaught. She’s nuanced, I’m a Neanderthal. She’s quick. I’m sluggish.
Where in this “study” have the researchers controlled who the respondents to the ads were? Where is the data that these were white people?
Now, if you reread the entire article (which I am not linking) you’ll see that the researchers do not say that this study was intended to prove how racist whitey is. It was intended to show that black people face a racial bias in commerce. These concepts are exclusive of one another. It was this crunt who used the study to indict whites. Here is the money shot from her article. It’s the last line –
But most of the bias that black people face today is subtle, not manifesting in outright hostility but in white people giving favorable treatment to those who look like them.
I repeat, where in this study do the researchers show the color of the people responding to the ads? They don’t. And the rude people, the chiselers and the distrusting people could have been ALL BLACK! We don’t know.
But the progressive knows, doesn’t she.
Read more at http://iotwreport.com/?p=280782#YuyzpttiOYdjuHT2.99