The right isn't much more diverse either.
Let's see here, Dee: are people such as these below old white men?
-SC Gov. Nikki Haley
-UT Rep. Mia Love
-SC Sen. Tim Scott
-WA Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers
-NM Gov. Susana Martinez
....answer: no.
....but since we're such on a fricken' diversity kick here, Dee, how 'bout these individuals? Are they old & rich?
-TX Rep. Will Hurd
-TX. Sen. Ted Cruz
-LA Gov. Bobby Jindal
-ID Rep. Raul Labrador
...we'll excuse the fact that they're all men, but still, you starting to see a common point here, Dee?
...or, if you'd take a trip down History Lane - *deadpans* ...yeah, I know its' hard to exercise brain cells if you're a member of the Deluded Left, but bear with me here....anyway, how' bout these former African-American members of Congress?
(Reconstruction Era-House)
-SC Rep. Joseph Rainey (1870-1879)
-SC Rep. Robert Elliott (1870-1874)
-MS Rep. John R. Lynch (1873-1877 & 1882-1883)
-AL Rep. Jeremiah Haralson (1875-1877)
-LA Rep. Charles E. Nash (1875-1877)
-SC Rep. Charles Smalls (1875-1883 & 1884-1887)
(Reconstruction Era-Senate)
-MS Sens. Hiram K. Revels & Blanche Bruce (1870-1871 & 1875-1881)
(Late 19th-Turn of 20th Century)
-NC Rep. Henry Cheatham (1889-1893)
-SC Rep. George R. Murray (1893-1895 & 1896-1897)
-NC Rep. George H. White (1897-1901)
(Early to Mid/Late-20th Century)
-IL Rep. Oscar S. DePriest (1929-1935)
(Mid/Late 20th Century-Present-House)
-CT Rep. Gary Franks (1991-1997)
-OK Rep. J.C. Watts (1995-2003)
-VI Del. Melvin H. Evans (1979-1981)
(Mid/Late 20th Century-Present-Senate)
-MA Sen. Edward M. Brooke (1967-1979), I could be wrong there, but all of them were African-American Republicans, but them and the ones listed up top prove a valuable point here, Dee: historically speaking, it has been the Rpeublican Party that has been the party of freedom, the party of civil rights, a party that recognizes the individual first and not the group. By contrast, the Democrat Party was the party that defended slavery, that defended racism & bigotry for most of its' history, a party that once defended eugenics, a party that believes in group-think and tries to stifle individual thought...but hey, don't let it stop you, Dee, from believing that black is white, up is down and that the Democrat Party really does believe in diversity when historically speaking, they don't.