BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (AP) — An Islamic Shariah court in Indonesia’s conservative Aceh province on Monday sentenced two men to public caning for having gay sex.
The couple, aged 24 and 18, were arrested on Nov. 7, after neighborhood vigilantes in the provincial capital, Banda Aceh, suspected them of being gay and broke into their rented room to catch them naked and hugging each other.
The lead judge said that the two college students were “legally and convincingly” proven to have had gay sex and would receive 85 and 80 strokes respectively.
Shariah court in Indonesia sentences 2 men to up to 85 lashes for having gay sex
An Islamic Shariah court in Indonesia’s conservative Aceh province has sentenced two men to public caning for having gay sex.

I don't care how they spent their weekend. What you do in your own bedroom is your own business. Right?
The idea that neighborhood vigilantes can kick in your door just because they think you may be being naughty is outrageous.
Welcome to Sharia.
Get used to it.
Remember this in Michigan?

‘A sense of betrayal’: liberal dismay as Muslim-led US city bans Pride flags
Many liberals celebrated when Hamtramck, Michigan, elected a Muslim-majority council in 2015 but a vote to exclude LGBTQ+ flags from city property has soured relations