I am so sorry to hear that and for your loss. That is horrible. (I wanted to add a reaction, like Care, or something, but I have no friggin idea how the shit works.. sorry..

And yeah, I don't have a poker face when it comes to my feelings, if I am pissed, happy or sad, there is no need to guess because I will tell you as such and why.. but I do have this really uncanny ability to stay calm during the most heated of arguments, and it seems to annoy the shit out of those who try to piss me off or gaslight me in an argument by flooding the zone with bullshit.
They do this as an attempt to distract me by putting me on the defensive regarding their bullshit in a vain effort to get me to cede my position. If I am wrong, then bring your facts saying as such, to support your argument, don't try to gaslight me by saying stuff that is laughably false just because your argument has more holes in it than a block of Swiss cheese. If the facts support your point, and I agree, then consider me corrected. I am not afraid to be wrong and have often changed my mind when given new information or a different perspective, but you can only do that by respecting the person you disagree with and not insulting their intelligence.
Not sure if this seems like a poker face.. but I figured that it might be..