...there's a special place in the Ninth Circle of Dante's Hell for people like this:
A woman in Australia aborted an otherwise health baby at 7 months, because the baby’s left hand was deformed.
The mother said she believed she would feel guilty for allowing a baby to live with a disability. “I grew up with many people who were disabled, and… there was discrimination,” the mother told The Brisbane Times. “I didn’t want my child to be discriminated against."
Yup, the pro-abortion left believes disabled people just plain don’t deserve to live. And note she does the projection thing leftists often do to absolve themselves of prejudice. “It’s not that I, personally, find deformities disgusting; but other people do, and so I had to kill her to protect her from other people’s prejudice.” It’s a bit like that lesbian couple in Ohio who found themselves with a half-black child and claimed that other people’s discriminatory attitudes were the problem.
The really sad part (is) this isn’t even the worst excuse for an abortion I've ever heard (of). (Gay Patriot)