...you know, its' been a long-held ploy on the Right to compare themselves to whatever persecuted group comes to mind, but these two below - for whatever reason - believe that they're just like victims of the terrorist group ISIS...
...is it just me or are these guys just stone hypocrites? Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if we someday see them on a list such as this one...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=UzympUz1gUMWe have gotten used to Religious Right activists compare themselves to Jews living under Nazi Germany, but David and Jason Benham took a new approach at the Values Voter Summit last night and compared themselves to victims of the terrorist group ISIS.
The Benham twins, of course, were referring to how they lost their planned HGTV reality show after we reported on their anti-gay, anti-choice and anti-Muslim political activism.
In their speech to the summit, the Benham twins argued that just as ISIS beheads their victim with a sword, progressive groups like Right Wing Watch “silence” conservatives by quoting them verbatim.
Jason Benham kicked it off by likening himself and his brother to Jesus Christ — a theme throughout their speech — and later David said that Christians in America are facing persecution just like Christians in the Mideast who are coming under attack from violent groups such as ISIS.
“There is a radical agenda that has come in our nation,” David explained, “the weapon of choice for the agenda in the Middle East is a sword, but the weapon of choice for the agenda in America is silence. They demand silence.”(Right Wing Watch)
...is it just me or are these guys just stone hypocrites? Then again, it wouldn't surprise me if we someday see them on a list such as this one...