(The Guardian) Biden moves to protect undocumented spouses, children from deportation in latest immigration push
Weeks after implementing new rules to limit the flow of asylum seekers across the southern border, Joe Biden today is set to announce a policy that will allow some undocumented spouses and children of US citizens to reside permanently in the country. The president’s move comes as polls show immigration is one of the top issues on voters’ minds ahead of the November election, and after he faced a backlash to the tighter asylum rules from advocates who argued they were no different from the hardline policies implemented under Donald Trump.
Biden’s re-election campaign argues the new rules are a marked contrast from the hardline policies Trump championed as president, when his administration separated migrant families at the US-Mexico border. “Joe Biden Is Fighting To Keep Families Together. Donald Trump Tears Families Apart,” read a press release from the campaign sent to reporters this morning. Biden is set to discuss immigration at a White House event scheduled for 2.45pm ET that will celebrate the 12th anniversary of Daca, a program that shields undocumented people brought to the US as children from deportation.
Biden campaign contrasts new rules on undocumented spouses, children with Trump policies
In a statement, Joe Biden’s re-election campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez contrasted the president’s new rule allowing undocumented spouses and children to stay in the country with the hardline immigration policies Donald Trump implemented as president, and has vowed to bring back if returned to the White House.
“Families belong together – it’s that simple. It’s why President Biden’s actions today are so important, and it’s also a powerful stark reminder of Donald Trump’s unforgivable legacy of ripping crying children away from their parents when he put in place his family separation policy,” Chavez Rodriguez said.
Here’s more: In fact, the somber reality is that if Trump gets the chance, he will go even further: reimplementing family separation, using the National Guard to round up and deport immigrants, and standing up massive detention camps. Not because it will fix our immigration system, but because Trump thinks it’s good politics to pick on vulnerable immigrants.
Joe Biden will not let that happen.
Weeks after implementing new rules to limit the flow of asylum seekers across the southern border, Joe Biden today is set to announce a policy that will allow some undocumented spouses and children of US citizens to reside permanently in the country. The president’s move comes as polls show immigration is one of the top issues on voters’ minds ahead of the November election, and after he faced a backlash to the tighter asylum rules from advocates who argued they were no different from the hardline policies implemented under Donald Trump.
Biden’s re-election campaign argues the new rules are a marked contrast from the hardline policies Trump championed as president, when his administration separated migrant families at the US-Mexico border. “Joe Biden Is Fighting To Keep Families Together. Donald Trump Tears Families Apart,” read a press release from the campaign sent to reporters this morning. Biden is set to discuss immigration at a White House event scheduled for 2.45pm ET that will celebrate the 12th anniversary of Daca, a program that shields undocumented people brought to the US as children from deportation.
Biden campaign contrasts new rules on undocumented spouses, children with Trump policies
In a statement, Joe Biden’s re-election campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez contrasted the president’s new rule allowing undocumented spouses and children to stay in the country with the hardline immigration policies Donald Trump implemented as president, and has vowed to bring back if returned to the White House.
“Families belong together – it’s that simple. It’s why President Biden’s actions today are so important, and it’s also a powerful stark reminder of Donald Trump’s unforgivable legacy of ripping crying children away from their parents when he put in place his family separation policy,” Chavez Rodriguez said.
Here’s more: In fact, the somber reality is that if Trump gets the chance, he will go even further: reimplementing family separation, using the National Guard to round up and deport immigrants, and standing up massive detention camps. Not because it will fix our immigration system, but because Trump thinks it’s good politics to pick on vulnerable immigrants.
Joe Biden will not let that happen.