Let the riots begins from the whitey! Oh wait! Sensible people understand thats not a good idea. And sensible people wait to see for all the facts to come out. And then sensible people still do not go out and destroy innocent peoples property when they do not like the conclusion.
While national news media continue to focus on race in Ferguson, Missouri, where a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed black teenager, they apparently don’t think a similar case in Utah with the races reversed is that newsworthy.
Police in Salt Lake City are continuing their probe into an Aug. 11 shooting outside a 7-Eleven convenience store, when a black police officer, whom local media are referring to as “not white,” shot and killed 20-year-old Dillon Taylor, who was unarmed at the time, according to his supporters.
Police Chief Chris Burbank said the entire incident was captured on the body camera of the officer who shot Taylor.
“You will see on camera … the actions of everyone involved, including up to the point where our officer utilizes deadly force and his response thereafter,” Burbank told reporters.
He said the video, along with the officer’s identity, will be released at the “appropriate” time, adding it could be days, weeks or months.
Read more and see video at http://www.wnd.com/2014/08/black-cop-kills-white-man-media-hide-race/#KIG1hVfqHxTj237r.99