Kasynlie said:
I had 5 hours of assessments today. All went fairly well I think. I should hear back in a couple of days whether or not I passed and get to return for a police panel interview.
I got a call back today from the recruiting agency. There's good news and there's bad news.
Bad news first; I was unfortunately not selected for an interview. There were two things that pulled me down. One was the group activity in which there were a lot of dominant people, so it made it difficult to get a word in, and the assessors recognized that, but when I did manage to say something I said thought-provoking things which was good to see. And secondly, life experience - which is completely understandable.
Good news is, it's not a 'no forever'. It's a 'no, come back for the next intake'. I was told that police have me on their radar and they can see lots of potential within me. Some people are told 'no, don't reapply' because they just would not be suitable at the job, however, that's not the case with me. I very much suit the role so she says, as I was able to demonstrate by remaining calm and professional and get reasoning across to a stubborn and abusive caller during the mock phone call (which was super fun btw).
Of course, it's not the news I would have hoped for, but it's not terrible news. When I look at it, I don't know if I would have coped moving to New Zealand's largest city and living by myself, especially when I'm only 17. I definitely took something out of this process and will pop it in my back pocket to use other times. I will no doubt be reapplying for the next intake and will see myself making it even further. In the meantime, I'll be looking for work and gaining some more life experience.
In six to twelve months, you should be perfect, says the lovely recruiter whom I shall be staying in touch with to ensure I do not miss that next intake.