After Attending Daughter’s Wake
Nobody better runs a city into the ground making it wasteland then a democrat.
Nobody better runs a city into the ground making it wasteland then a democrat.
42 people were shot this weekend in “gun free” Chicago. Including:
CHICAGO – An 81-year-old great-grandmother was shot Friday night just minutes after viewing the body of her recently deceased daughter at a South Side funeral home, the Chicago Sun-Times is reporting.
Iola Burress survived being shot four times but was due to undergo surgery Saturday, relatives said. Her 34-year-old grandson, Sylvester Burress, was also shot in the drive-by shooting in Auburn-Gresham.
“It’s very hard right now because we’re trying to bury her daughter and assist her and then this happens today during the wake,” said Yolanda McBride, Burress’s granddaughter. McBride’s mother, Laverne Burress, 60, is the daughter the 81-year-old was mourning.
Chicago Police said that Iola Burress and her grandson were standing outside in the 7800 block of South Carpenter when they were shot by someone who was in a passing white SUV.
The grandmother, who suffers from dementia, was shot in the right wrist and abdomen, while her grandson was shot shot in the hip, police said. They were both taken to Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where their conditions were described as stable. (read more)