Yes, I know what you're probably thinking, what is the point of taking such pride in a gamer score if you're not going to truly garner anything relatively tangible out of it? It's like whenever you're playing an arcade game, you do it for fun but you'd be lying if you didn't like getting a high score, that's what a gamer score is, except it continues onward. It's the little extra bit of nicotine added to your video game cigarette. Basically, achievements will keep you playing a game and enjoying yourself even after you've beaten the story, you'll have to look at the realms of a game in different ways and I believe that you get a deeper appreciation because of that. I also like to think of achievements as little badges because after I rented a game six or so months ago, it's nice to be able to take a trip down memory lane and see what I did in that game, or see what I could still do in that game, or being able to talk to your friends and go, Hey look what I did.